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I'm a big believer in accomplishing your dreams. Thats no secret.

I always think that whats the point of life if you never do what you want in it?

Don't get me wrong, I totally get that life gets in the way sometimes; money, current situations and all that crap, but we should never let that get in the way of our dreams and aspirations.

I think the main problem is that we always end up forgetting all the really cool stuff we do. Its absolutely incredible when its happening, but then it slowly just becomes a memory, often one we end up forgetting. This was the same for me too really. It wasn't until a few days ago that I actually took some time and sat back, thinking of all the really amazing things I'd actually done in the past year. I'd gone to uni, moved out of my parents house, gotten myself a managerial job, gotten good grades, lived in the US for 4 months- twice and discovered my love for design.

All of this kind of came around when one of my school friends messaged me on Facebook the other day. She said:

"What happened to our plan to travel America Kath? And now you've bloody gone and done it without me"

Totally ignoring the fact she called me 'Kath' - queue shudder of embarrassment. This made me think. As soon as I read the message I was suddenly thrown back to when I was 14 all over again. Me, wearing that god awful school uniform, breaking the rules because I kept wearing my black leather jacket instead of the blazer, always dreading PE, struggling with maths and absolutely loving the freedom that art classes gave me.

But this simple message really made me remember that we actually did make a plan to travel around America. In fact, we made this huge list of places we wanted to go to. Vegas, California, a ghost town, a frat party, the Grand Canyon, Texas...

You name it, we wrote it down on a note on my iPod touch.

And then I suddenly remembered that I actually have done it.

And whilst I may not have visited all those places we said we would, yet, it was definitely a start and a good one at that.

Never forget what you want to do because it feels so damn good when you actually do them. But actually, it feels crazy incredible to be able to say yeah, I've been there or yeah, I've done that!

Never forget how it feels to accomplish your goals.

Never stop dreaming.

Much love, Kat xx

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