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So sue me, I'm late to the game.

The new years come around – and yes I am aware its already February and yes I am just that unorganised.

Nevertheless, the New Year is something nobody can ignore, no matter how much you try.

Now normally I don't really do anything to celebrate the forthcoming of a new year. I'll paint a picture for you: I'm normally in my pjs, no makeup on, sitting on the sofa with a glass of good old buzz fix in hand, bairly staying awake to watch the fire works with the family.

Not this time ladies and gents, nope.

This year I partied. And partied hard I bloody well did.

Flying into Dublin on the 30th December, I got to stay with a few of my closest friends I hadn't seen since the summer. We chilled, drank and played tourist for a few days, a pretty darn epic start to the year, I'll tell you that.

And talking of new things, whenever this time rolls around society decides to dump a whole lot of crap on us.

New year pressures I like to call it.

Along with new years, comes the idea of resolutions- which are a whole lot of crap by the way... just saying. Society puts a whole lot of unnecessary pressure to change things about ourselves and our lives. Whether that be to loose weight, get a new job, find a boyfriend, whatever. Society continues to tell us that we need to change these things now or we'll have a shitty year. Suddenly as soon as January pops out to say hello, everythings wrong in our lives? What?

I don't think so.

I may be a size 16, and hell yeah I like to eat and you know what, I actually like my job and hold up a second- yeah a guy would be nice, but if it means I need to change everything to get one. Then hell to the no.

I don't know about you but I didnt make any new year resolutions this year. If you want to change something in your life then do it. You don't need somebody else telling you what to do and when to do it. Nobody has lived your life other than you and despite what everyone tells you, the only person who really knows you and what you want, is you.

So to celebrate this years - I don't give a shit what you think - start to the year. One of my best friends, Chloe and I decided to do a little exploring.

We both study the same Fashion Design course at Birmingham City University and decided to do some exploring at the Custard Factory nearby.

Screw outside options and societal pressures. Do what makes you happy.

So here it is, 2017 ladies and gents. Have a crackin year, filled with aspirations, dreams and a tonne of cool shit.

Much love, Kat xx

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